
Hello magazine
Thursday 10,  March of 2011
China Earthquake 2011: 5.8-Magnitude Temblor Kills At Least 24, Topples Homes

Sunday 20, February of 2011
China raises bank reserves to cool inflation

Saturday 12,  February of 2011
China spends $1 billion to tackle drought
China's government will invest $1 billion to combat a three month drought crippling the country's north. The worst drought in six decades threatens to ruin China's winter harvest, the world's largest producer of wheat.

1- How much wheat production is affecting the drought?

2- How much money plans to spend to combat the drought?

3- What Xinhua said?
Monday 31, January of 2011 
China TV 'substitutes Top Gun for air force footage'
China's state use one film clips about Top Gun, starring Hollywood actor Tom Cruise, showing an explosion to talked about the country's air force.

1- This would be the first time who was happened?

2- What said one editor on the CCTV news programe who broadcasst the "Top Gun"? 

3- When was aired  the CCTV's main news bulletin?
Friday, 28 January of 2011
All aboard for China's fast-track future?

Friday, 21 January of 2011
China's security tsar warns over 'jasmine revolution'

Sunday, 16 January of 2011
China's Hu Jintao: Currency system is 'product of past'
Friday, 10 December of 2010   
UN finds 217 abuse claims against blue helmets
In United Nations probe collected 217 allegations of abuse of girls and women by peacekeepers in eastern Congo, from sex with teenagers in the back room of a liquor store to threats of "hacking" victims for cooperating with investigators.
Monday, 25 October of 2010
Japan protests over Chinese boats near disputed islands
Japan's goverment has made a formal protest after two Chinese fishieries were seen in a disputed island chain.
The relations between China and Japan have been tense after arrested by Japan's coastguard in the same area in early September.

1- In which island chain disputed was seen the boats?

2- This dispute has been resolved easily, or in China and in Japan has been fighting?
Monday, 18 October of 2010
China blanks Nobel Peace prize searches
After announcing to everyone that Liu Xiaobo wins the Nobel Peace Prize, the authorities of China rush to delete this news in the public space.
One example is what in the coutry any missage is delete for the reason that's talks about Liu Xiaobo winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

1- What network sites in China have been banned or blocked?

2- What is the opinion of the Chinese government towards this news? And the Chinese people?

3- After win the Nobel Peace Prize, what happened to Liu Xiaobo?

4-What happened in China is you search "Nobel Peace Prize" or "Liu Xiaobo"? Why?